Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010

Who hasn't blogged in a long time? Me! I'm sitting here at the kitchen table eating a new favorite of mine, Annie's Homegrown Cinnamon Bunny Grahams, in which, I think you all should try. They are deeeelicious!

So, life as usual has been a whirlwind and I cannot believe that September is almost over! Is it time to bring out Christmas music yet? Speaking of...Matt just dug out his old record player that I had absolutely no idea he had. So we've been listening to some sweet tunes on that and can't wait to use it for the Christmas music as well. Although I'm sad to see summer go, I do look forward to my other favorite season, Fall!...Pumpkin carving, sweet apple cider, smores by the bonfire, and of course...Football! :)

Rox and Jake came to TN this past weekend to visit Matt and I. We had such a great time together and got to enjoy some quality time out on the lake. The weather has been pretty warm here considering that it is almost the end of September. I'm not too sure that we will be able to go out on the lake too much more, but am so thankful we were able to with them.

The new job is going quite well. I've been put in more of a marketing position at the office. It's been great to help spread the word about health and wellness. I feel like I'm learning a ton. My sweet husband gets to hear every bit of info that I learn. I've always got to share it with him, it's easier for me to retain the information if I speak about it. So thankful to him for listening to me jabber on about it all. :)

Okay...I think that's all for now. Sweet dreams!