Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday post.

Hello caffeine. Thank you for being by my side on this lovely Wednesday afternoon. :)

So, my dad got a new ride and I really feel the need to share this picture below. I'm really excited for him because he has wanted a Harley for quite some time and I couldn't be more happy for him. He has such a big heart and would give the shirt off his back and to see that a way was provided for him to be able to enjoy this brings a smile to my face. So...All I have to say is this:...PLEASE BE CAREFUL! :)

That's all for now!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Okay, so let me just say that this week is going to fly by! It's almost the end of the workday and it's Tuesday. I do feel like my brain is about to explode...Okay, that's not a very good visual, but I feel like I am taking on alot this week with the exiting of Dawson McAllister and training for the new job at 180 Chiropractic & Wellness for 2 hrs. after work. I can do this, I...CAN...DO...THIS!! :) It's always exciting starting a new job, but also a bit nerve racking as well. I love learning new things and meeting new people, but always feel a sense of nervousness going into a completely new place with something that i've never had experience doing before. I'm such a hands on learner, so once I get in there and start messing around, breaking things, putting things back together --- well, that's when I learn the best!

Matt and I have had an amazing past couple of days spending good quality time with friends and family. The more I get comfortable with my cooking skills and not being so anal about the tidiness of our house, the more I want to have people over to just hang out and enjoy eachothers company over dinner or lunch. So, last night and Sunday we had friends over for dinner...I'm learning that it brings so much joy to my heart to be able to just be in fellowship with others and to be able to cook for them. I loooove to cook! Am I a good cook? Well...Lets just say I'm learning. I still have a ways to go to even be anywhere close to what my mom does. (There's nothing like your momma's home-cooking) Anyhow, I digress...My whole point behind being in fellowship with others and dining together is that it made Matt and I look back in history and realize that thats how they used to do it! Everyone would come together and feast as a family and friends. What a cool picture that is huh?!? I want more of that! I think about Heaven and can't help but imagine that thats probably how it will be, all together, one big family feasting at the Lord's table. Now that makes me smile! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

I got a new job!!!!

That's right folks, I GOT A NEW JOB!!! I couldn't be more happy about it either. You are now looking at the newest employee of 180 Chiropractic & Wellness. I will be working 50% with patients and the other 50% working on billing. I'm really looking fwd. to the people interaction that I've been missing here at Dawson's. I start training today at 4:15. I'll go in everyday after I get off work here at Dawson's to do some job shadowing because the girl whose place I am taking is out next week. So wish me luck!! My last day here at Dawson's is Wed., August 4th...And then we are off to Texas for my brother-in-laws wedding!!

I'm really pumped about the wedding because Matt and I are road tripping with my mom and dad. It's an 11 hr. drive so it should be alot of fun. We love road trips! Matt and I also get to sing together at Josh and Julies wedding. I feel totally honored and cannot wait to sing with my hubby. :)

So this past weekend Matt and I went to see Salt with some friends. I would recommend going to see it. We thought it was great. Of course, you always have a bit of the cheese factor when you have those action films because everyone knows that one could not scale a wall like she (Angelina Jolie) did and of course I wouldn't dare try jumping down several stories in an elevator, but hey!...That is what makes the movie good. Without giving too much away, I would say it reminds me of a girl version of Bourne. Check it out! P.S. I would advise you that the previews are pretty bad at the beginning. Matt and I had to put our heads down because they were so bad...Just FYI.

I think this is going to be a busy week, but I am really looking forward to it! Hey has anyone ever tried E-Mealz? Dave Ramsey recommends it if you are trying to do a better job with budgeting. It creates your weekly dinner meal plan according to where you get groceries. For example, if you buy groceries at Kroger it will include a majority of the deals that are going on for that week in your plan, so it saves you a ton of money. Anyhow, every week you have your dinners planned out, how to make them, what to buy etc. and at most you spend about 40-45 dollars a wk. on dinners. We like it so far, so we'll see how it goes! :)


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Take a peek!

Oh gosh...Have I let this many days pass already? Eeeek I'm sorry...Actually I'm not really sure if I should apologize because I don't even know if anyone reads this thing! Haha. I should keep up with it anyhow. I figured I would post just a few pics of Matt and I's apartment just to document our lovely first home together, which we absolutely love and are so blessed to have. :)

We were able to buy this dining room set because of Matt's sweet grandparents. This was their wedding gift to us.

Matt has had this couch for quite sometime so we figured we could use it and spruce it up with a few pillows for color.

Our great friends Lauren and Spencer let us borrow their dresser. Matt and I don't have a ton of closet space so having this dresser and the other that matches our bed works perfect. I was so excited when I found the M & B at Anthropologie...I thought it added a little spice to the room.

Finally, my favorite find so far!...Our television stand. Matt and I found this for a good price at a tag sale (yard sale) in Franklin. You know, I've talked about doing this ever since we bought this, but I want to do something with the middle part of it where the ferns are. Suggestions are welcome! :)

That ends the lovely 1/2 tour of the Jenkins' home. It's open for any guests who wish to come through the Nashville area! :)