Friday, June 18, 2010

Lovely Friday!

Yes, today is Friday and I couldn't be happier. I just love Fridays...Knowing that I get to spend all weekend with my man, no agenda, and sleeping past 6:30. Ahh, this makes me smile. The past two weeks have been quite busy for us. We've flown to TX and back, Matt's had several shows (Yay! I love going to his shows), a work party, helped friends move, Matt's friend's shows, got to see the GRO boys open for Kris Allen, and had a bachelorette party last night. All of this has been a blast, but being busy like this really makes me appreciate those moments where you get to sit on the couch and kick up your feet, or lay in bed and read a good book without being sleepy. :) I don't ever want to take those moments for granted.

I'm really looking forward especially for this weekend. My good friend Roxanne is coming to TN w/ her husband Jake. They'll get in at about 5p tonight. Rox and I have been friends since High School, but really became close in college. She and Jake got married 2 years ago...That's really hard to believe that 2 years has already past. We really haven't spent any time together since her wedding...2 years...Wow! We've got alot of catching up to do!

I hope you all have a fantastic and restful weekend. Happy Father's Day to my wonderful dad! You have such an amazing heart and have taught us kid's so much about what it means to love. You deserve to be celebrated. I love you! Also, a Happy Father's Day to Papa Jenks, my second dad - I'm so blessed to have such an amazing Father-in-law...And to Travis and Shawn. Ya'll are such great fathers - May you all be blessed! <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm commenting just for the sake of commenting. I don't really have anything to say. I'm just so thrilled you're blogging!

    Have a great weekend with Rox!
